Sunday, July 25, 2010

Photo Project: 31 Photos in 31 Days

So I seem to be in photo project moods lately and stumbled upon's 31 Photos in 31 Days Project Idea. Per the website, the challenge is...

It’s been a photo drought here in our household, and it’s trickled into photographic projects :(
But I have a plan, and I hope you stick around for it – 31 photos in 31 days in August 2010.
Take a photo of anything you like, post it to your blog, Twitter, Facebook or Flickr account, and come back each day to share your photo!
Make it an opportunity to test out a new (or old) camera, or take us on a tour of your life – just get out there and take a photo a day, every day in August.
Let me know if you’re thinking of trying it out - leave your comment or retweet this message.
I'm going to give it a shot and then when I'm done, post all the pictures on my blog. This should be interesting. Check back in September to see how I did! :)

Update: 9/4/10 Done!  A number of these photos are already posted on this blog elsewhere, but here they are all together for the finished project.  It was a lot of fun... hope you enjoy!

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