Sunday, July 11, 2010

Photojournalism: Las Vegas

I have been to Vegas twice. The first time was when I was 14, I went with my family. My impression then was just that it was this big, beautiful playground with all these huge themed hotels and sparkly designs. It was fun, that's what Vegas is suppose to be! Now, this past 4th of July weekend, I went back for the Las Vegas Salsa Congress and revisited the hotels that made such an impression on me some 10 years ago.

It's no secret that Vegas has a reputation as being the entertainment capital of the world. With that reputation comes washed up celebrities and a lot of sex and decadence. A lot. Not to mention really expensive, lobster and snow crab glittered all you can eat buffets and high end stores and the occasional religious radical picketing around trying to save the souls of everyone there. And then of course there is the Las Vegas local panhandling tourists for weed. Very interesting place, can't wait to go back... !!!

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