Saturday, June 12, 2010

Picasa and EasyBatchPhoto for batch photo watermarking

I hate spending hours and hours watermarking and resizing photos for web upload. Hate it. It just takes hours. Hours and hours and hours. So, this is my short review of the 2 I use: Picasa and EasyBatchPhoto.

The best thing about Picasa is that it is FREE. Free free free. And those of you who know me well know that I love a deal. You can use it on a PC or a Mac. I have a Mac, so clearly, I use the Mac version. Picasa does lots of cool stuff. You can post pics online (super easily) or you can do what I use it for: batch watermarking. There are 2 ways that I use it: (1) when choosing to "export" your images, there is a watermarking option at that bottom of the dialogue box and you simply type in what you want the watermark to say (usually copyright and your name or website) and hit ok. That's it. And then there's (2) that I use more often which is to add text to one image, then copy and paste that text to the rest of the photos. All you do is select the one photo you've already put the text on, select all the others (ctrl+a will do that) and hit paste. And there it is.

This one is not free, but it's only about $24 for the single user license. However, at least from what I can tell, EasyBatchPhoto is for Mac users only. I use this one because, unlike Picasa, it lets me add an image to my photo batch (my logo). I like it because I get more of a custom look and have more control over what the watermark looks like than I do with Picasa. But don't just take my word for it, give it a shot. It has a free trial which lets you use the program as if you had the full version, it just includes their company watermark on there too.

So all in all, both get 5 stars. But if you have one that you use that you think is just the bomb dizzy, let me know. I'll check it out :)

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