Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Imagery: Belmont Fairgrounds

If you are a photo enthusiast in San Diego, I strongly encourage you to look up the San Diego DSLR Group. They're not some kind of meetup, but rather a really cool information center. Almost every week, they post info on events that may be interesting to shoot during the upcoming weekend and have group shoots. I have been checking their page pretty religiously and getting some really fun ideas from photos other members have posted. On their most recent "Group Shoot" I went down to PB with the hubby (for protection, it was dark) and took some interesting shots. But why even go on a group shoot? I have noticed how much attention being in a public place with a fancy camera can get. You get a little less attention when you have got 20-30 other people with big fancy cameras and tripods too. :)

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