Monday, August 16, 2010

Photojournalism: Del Mar loves their animals

Every time I go to Del Mar, it involves seeing some sort of animal. From horse races, to now a dressage show and surfing dogs, these people will ride their horses, get in the freezing ocean with their dogs, and then run and/or bike all over the place afterward. Talk about active! It's a different lifestyle up there but a refreshing one. Some photos from my last visit... :)

They play Polo too! The first lesson is free! Not sure though if you need to bring a horse... :P

Dressage Show. One picture. Yes, that's about as exciting as it got.

This dog was so scared.
They had Dog Surfing instructors there too!
This dog lost his wave, and has apparently learned to just wait on the board for someone to come get him.

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